About Us
About the Mensch Hall of Fame:
The Mensch Hall of Fame (MHF) is a celebration of human spirit, character, and leadership. It’s designed to honor people who live lives of meaning that value goodness and kindness. Organized by Chabad SF, its mission is to recognize a diverse community of great people who do good things. Our new hall of fame is both a network of people and a digital platform (menschhalloffame.org), with a big mission.
We seek to inspire people around the world to be a mensch by pointing out people of spirit and character to emulate.
More Mensches!
Event Date & Time
Wednesday, May 31, 2023
6:00 PM – VIP Reception & Silent Auction
7:00 – 9:00 PM – Dinner & Awards
Event Location
SF Mint 88 5th St, SF, CA 94103
Mail to: 496 Natoma
Street, SF, CA 94103